30 Data Science Projects in 30 Days Resources

Click on any of the days below to get their resources.

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Day 1 starts August 2.

Want to sponsor a day? I'm looking for organizations who would be interested in parterning with me. Send an email to Avery@DataCareerJumpstart.com with subject line "Interested in partnering". 

Day 1: Analyzing Animal Shelter Data with Dash

Day 2: Who is The Most Googled Man? Animated Line Chart + Google Trends

Day 3: Beginner Data Visualization Project using Observe, Collect, Draw

Day 4: NFT Data Analytics Project With Python

Day 5: Visualize LinkedIn Data with Tableau

Day 6: Make a Word Cloud with an Image (The Office)

Day 7: Created AI Generated Art

Day 8: Using R to Analyze if Survivor is Racist

Day 9: NBA Lineup Analysis with Python + Streamlit

Day 10: AirBnb Analysis with SQL

Day 11: Google Analytics with Keboola & Google Data Studio

Day 12: Horse Racing Data Science Project in 30 Minutes (Kaggle Project)

Day 13: Strava Data in Power BI

Day 14: Automate LinkedIn with Python

Day 15: Coding a Data Science Project using ONLY my phone

Day 16: The Only Data Analyst Portfolio Project You Need (Amazon)

Day 17: Data Scientist Machine Learning Project | HR Analytics

Day 18: Weekly Community Data Science Projects (Tidy Tuesday)

Day 19: Visualizing Elon Musk Tweets in Augmented Reality 

Day 20: Beginner NLP Data Science Project with Python

Day 21: I Analyzed Ken Jee's Data Better Than He Did

Day 22: Engineering Data Analysis (PCA) 

Day 23: Easy Bar Chart Race Animation Tutorial

Day 24: Regression in R to Analyze Health Data

Day 25: Gun Background Checks in USA in Tableau

Day 26: How I’d Use Data Science To Launch a Business

Day 27: Implementing Data Quality in Python w/ Great Expectations

Day 28:  Using Data Science to UNCOVER McDonald’s Healthiest Food

Day 29: Using Python to Create Image Filters

Day 30: NFL Big Data Bowl - Special Teams


Want a step-by-step guide to building killer data science projects?

Check out my latest course, The Data Science Project Studio

👀 Learn More About The Course