Day 1: Analyzing Animal Shelter Data with Plotly Dash (Python Data Science Project)

data projects Jul 16, 2022

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Day 1 of building 30 data science projects in 30 days. Today, I built a multipage Dash web application in Python for Plotly that highlights the Austin Animal Shelter Data.

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This Project:

  • Took me 8 hours, 10 minutes, and 8 seconds
  • Has ~360 lines of code
  • Was built with Dash by Plotly 


How You Can Improve This Project:

  • Make it more outcome dependent (add outcomes to every graph)
  • Create ML model to predict the outcome (think Titanic dataset, but for animals)
  • Add more pages to the Dash app
  • Make the graphs load faster/better 


Code + Files:


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